Fascinating Story Behind Our Video. Help Us To Fulfill The Dream

Independent Couple, travel couple, travel blog, travel couple blog, pakuj sa, pakujsa, súťaž, travel vlog, travel video, true story, story behind the video, Fascinating Story Behind Our Video. Help Us To Fulfill The Dream

Our dear blogging friends, fans, friends and family!

We have recently joined the competition held by the UNION project Pakujsa.sk, which topic was to create a video on “What is the most boring place that you know?”
I must admit that we have found the competition pretty late so the time is going against us – it ends on 31. August.

If we will win, we’ll become their official bloggers and will get financial compensation. This compensation will cover our new trips from which we will have to create a ton of a material in the form of videos, pictures, and articles.

What’s the story behind the video?

I saw the advertising on the facebook, it was appealing so I clicked on it and told about it to my dear hubby. Unfortunately, we realized that the competition ends too soon, at the end of the August. But then Radito came with the idea of how video might look and we were in! I loved his new idea, so I took the pen and paper and started to write a script.
We implied that we might join too late to win, but at the other hand, our creative force is too strong to not at least try.

The beginning was really hard. We were changing the script many times, and our first shooting was terrible. We still didn’t have the full image of how video should look and how we should act in it. Our acting wasn’t the best either.
Many times we were desperate and even wanted to give up. But we are not that kind of people.
After about a hundred of various shots at different places, the concept of the video became clearer. We started to see what should be improved and what we yet have to make.
These are the things which you can’t see in this short and funny 2 minutes video clip. But behind it, it was hard work, sweat, lots of hours of editing and cutting, shooting and so on. Of course, there was a lot of fun either. 🙂 Radito is really improving his skills when it comes to video production, I see it with his every new video.
The time and effort we put in this video are not countable. But approximately we spent about one week creating, many times from dusk till dawn.

If you’re asking why it took so much, there’s a simple answer – we didn’t just want to put some travel videos together and create an ordinary video. We wanted to create a real story with a real idea behind, which would be related to the topic of a “boring place”. We wanted to explore the term “boring” its philosophy, go deeper and think about its meaning and origin. We wanted to make a nice and funny video with the hidden meaning and thoughts. At the end, that’s the point of an art, to serve as a mediator of ideas to people.

I really hope our hard work will pay off and we will win this competition, it would mean so much to us. And you can help us to make this dream come true.

How to vote

Please check out the video below (there are English subtitles available).
If you like it and want to support us give us a vote on this link:

(Instructions: Click on the red button “Hlasovať”, enter the email, check “Áno” that you agree to the terms and submit your vote by clicking on the red button “Odoslať”. Then you have to validate your vote by clicking on the link in your mailbox.)

Thank you for your every vote, you are amazing!

Please if you really like our work, share this video with your friends. Thank you!


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